Spirit Voices! 11/19.15


Rainy. gloomy day here in Cape May, but at least its still warm for November! I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving…time is flying by and soon winter will set in here.

I haven’t posted in a few days too many mundane things keeping me from the internet, hopefully I’ll be able to do daily updates again now.

I have the Spirit of an older man who is despondent….he died alone and in a small apartment with no family or friends…he is thin and tall with dark hair that is greying and a sallow countenance. He died from a digestive issue, and remains in the apartment which is now occupied by a young family with two children. the younger of the two, sees his Spirit often, but the family doesn’t believe him. I get the name Nantucket and the name Jim or James…

I have availability for group readings in the Cape May area throughout November and December….and as always i am available for phone readings most nights…

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 11/12/15


I finally gotten the appointment page where I think it should be. I have availability today and tonight for phone readings…thanks for your patience while I resolved the issues!

I have a group reading tomorrow night in Cape May, so I won’t have phone readings available.

I’ll be back tomorrow with my Spirit Voices messages…

Machts Gut!

R. Scott

Spirit Voices! 11/11/15


I’ve had to disable the appointments system on the appointments page… Unfortunately there were some problems with the program and rather than have errors, I thought it best to stop using it until I can get a program that works correctly. Until then you can still make an appointment for phone readings on the appointment page, I’ll take appointments on a first come first serve basis, just email me to make the appointment!…the payment system is the same though using PayPal with any major credit card. Additionally you can always reach me through keen.com, by either using the call button or by going to www.keen.com/Ravenstar7….I’m generally on keen.com via arranged calls, so arrange a call and I’ll get to you asap!

Machts Gut!


Spirit Voices! 11/10/15


A raw, wet and dreary day here in Cape May, but at least the temperature is not winter like yet.

Today I have the impressions of a young woman with long, straight blonde hair. In life she was a happy and contented person. she had 2 children, both toddler age and seems to have had  it all. Life changed dramatically for her when she had a diagnoses of terminal cancer and after a short battle, she passed. This passing happened quite recently and she remains in her home watching her children. she is there often when they are put to bed,,,Her mother is taking care of the children now and often feels the daughters presence. The younger of the two children can see her and often tries to reach out to her. I get the name Caitlin and something about Scarsdale.

I have openings for phone readings this evening…if you make an appointment, please be sure to fill out the appointment form correctly including the Service selection, not doing so may delay the time of the reading.

Machts Gut!

R. Scott


Spirit Voices! 11/6/15


Summertime weather in November! What could be better! The temps here are headed to the high 70’s today, but it wont last long, fall weather will be back for the weekend. That’s as it should be I guess.

Today I’m getting the impression of a soldier from the Vietnam era. I see him in a street skirmish somewhere in a ruined city in Vietnam. He is fighting alongside 2 others and I see him getting shot in the middle of a roadway. My impression is that he has a wife and small child at home, and he has left her widowed. I get the impression of a dog whistle somehow associated with him. At least the shape of the object is like a dog whistle, but it may be a mezuzah.  I get the names Sarah and Rachel. and the name Michael. I feel that he even today visits his family..

I have some availability for phone readings this evening…please make an appointment if you are interested.

Machts Gut!


Spirit Voices! 11/5/15


We had a wonderful Hallowe’en…we set up the front yard for the trick or treaters, and had well over 100 kids visit. many of them were terrified by our display…actually the parents were more scared than the kids…kids are tougher these days I guess!


It was a lot of fun and I can’t wait for next year!

I have openings for phone readings this evening…I have finally gotten the appointments page working correctly, but its very important to fill out the form including the service desired…if you want a 10 minute reading, please input that as it helps to block out the time correctly and helps avoid overlapping schedules!

I’ll most likely have Spirit messages tomorrow, I just wanted to do a quick update today.

Machts Gut!
