Spirit Voices! 9/22/15


Today I have the image of a compartment on a train, a family is traveling back to the father’s childhood, home. I have a man and a woman with two children a boy and a girl. It seems the Spirit communicating is the man. He is remembering the last trip his family took before his death.  He passed shortly after this trip from a heart attack. The trip took place in the wintertime. The man is taller with dark hair and eyes…he owned his own business…it feels as if he were a contractor. He was in a bit of debt before his passing, and worries about his families ability to cope. He is reluctant to move on because of this worry. His passing wasn’t very far in the past…maybe last winter.

If this means anything to you, please contact me.


I am hoping to get the dates and times for the October ghost walks at Historic Cold Spring Village soon! I’ll have the information ASAP.