Spirit Voices! 2/2/16


Harliche Grundsau Daag!

Today is groundhog day and the famous Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, so Spring will come early this year…well at least hopefully!

I’m receiving the image of a man who was in the business of bridge construction/maintenance. He is in his early 50’s with a stocky build and greying hair. I see him working high up on a bridge. He did not pass from an accident on the bridge but rather from a heart attack. He left behind 2 grown children and was raising 2 of his grandchildren. I get the name Marcia and the name Tony. His unexpected death left his family in a bad way and he is often with them trying to give his support in any way that he can. He says something about a stuffed monkey, one of those sock monkeys, that seems to be a favorite of his granddaughter.

In mundane things:

I have availability for phone readings on my private line and on Keen.com today and tonight. Look for more information soon on the new project and also on some events at Historic Cold Spring Village this coming Summer!

Machts Gut!

R. Scott


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