Today’s Spirit impression 6/4/15


Today we have a woman in her 70’s, prim and proper with a veiled pill box hat and wearing furs…she is accompanied by a small fox terrier, and steps out of a limousine. It is nighttime …I get New York City, and “50th” …the names “Maddy” and “schotzy” …and the message “Maria, Stop!”.

Next comes the impression of a Masonic symbol…a tall balding man with dark hair comes through…the words ” worshipful master” and the names “Jim” and “Larry”. Next I see a funeral scene, with a young, grieving widow. She has blonde, straight hair. The name “Elizabeth” comes through…I get the impression of a baseball game- Little league coach, and the impression of a sudden death from a heart attack.


if any of these impressions mean anything to you, please contact me.