Raven’s Claw! Cast not…..

In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads:

“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”
I don’t often quote the Bible on my page, but this is appropriate. The metaphor seems to be teaching against giving what is holy to those who do not appreciate it. Animals such as dogs and pigs cannot appreciate religion, and this verse implies that there is some class of humans who cannot either.  Separate from Christian thought this class of humans can also be related to those who seek the advise of Psychics. Mediums and advisers. Particularly those who are vocal about the “ungodliness” of those services, but who in secret employ those same services. I, at times offer my services to the general public  and although there have been many who benefit  from my connection to Spirit, there are a few  who have conspired against the same. Is this casting my pearls before swine? Perhaps, but I will continue to make my gifts available to all and the “Swine” will be routed out in time.
Be proud of your gifts, whatever they may be and be true to your path. Don’t let those who deride you get the win. You can be a blessing to others, but only if you offer of yourself!
Although I’m still on hiatus from in-person readings, I am available most evenings for phone readings.




The times for the Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village have been confirmed. The Walks will commence in June and will run on Thursday evenings in June and July starting at 8PM at the Cold Spring Brewery. In August they will be Thursdays and Saturdays at 8PM.

Fascinated by the supernatural? Not sure what the odd noise is at night? Visit Historic Cold Spring Village for ‘Paranormal Pursuits’: Spiritualism in the 1800s!  In addition to experiencing the Village’s 27 restored, historic buildings dating from 1691-1912, guests can enjoy various workshops, demonstrations and tours which highlight the study of spiritualism and the paranormal of the 1800’s.

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


Raven’s Claw! Some new things….

Although I still haven’t resolved the issues regarding a convenient venue in which do do my private readings, I have started to work on some videos that will hopefully be a prelude to Facebook live streaming events and readings.  I’m fairly new to creating videos so bear with me, I’m a quick learner though and the quality should become better in time. Here’s the first of the advertising videos that I’ve completed:

As I said I will be doing more YouTube videos with some personalized content. They will mostly be Spiritualism and Mediumship, but occasionally Tarot may creep into the mix.

Although I’m still on hiatus from in-person readings, I am available most evenbings for phone readings.



The times for the Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village have been confirmed. The Walks will commence in June and will run on Thursday evenings in June and July starting at 8PM at the Cold Spring Brewery. In August they will be Thursdays and Saturdays at 8PM.

10:00a-4:30p Historic Cold Spring Village

Fascinated by the supernatural? Not sure what the odd noise is at night? Visit Historic Cold Spring Village for ‘Paranormal Pursuits’: Spiritualism in the 1800s!  In addition to experiencing the Village’s 27 restored, historic buildings dating from 1691-1912, guests can enjoy various workshops, demonstrations and tours which highlight the study of spiritualism and the paranormal of the 1800’s.

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


Raven’s Claw! Things awry…updates and more..

Some things have still been going awry cosmically and there have been great movements of energy, some positive, some not so. Many of the problems that have occurred over the past winter have been dealt with though and there is a movement forward finally.  Positive flow showing for many now. Keep guard  though because some of the released energies are still active. Ward your properties and keep portals closed to those Spirits that would bring harm. The death cult and those who profess to be good are the greatest enemies you will encounter. All that glitters is not gold, and all that is gold does not glitter. It’s odd how the true nature of some comes out, odd and disconcerting.

I’m still on hiatus from private in-person readings for the near future until I can work out a convenient venue that will make it easier for people to come to me for guidance. I have a couple of irons in the fire and I will be posting the results here.  Until then, I’m available most evenings via phone, just click the call button and create an account:




The times for the Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village have been confirmed. The Walks will commence in June and will run on Thursday evenings in June and July starting at 8PM at the Cold Spring Brewery. In August they will be Thursdays and Saturdays at 8PM.

10:00a-4:30p Historic Cold Spring Village

Fascinated by the supernatural? Not sure what the odd noise is at night? Visit Historic Cold Spring Village for ‘Paranormal Pursuits’: Spiritualism in the 1800s!  In addition to experiencing the Village’s 27 restored, historic buildings dating from 1691-1912, guests can enjoy various workshops, demonstrations and tours which highlight the study of spiritualism and the paranormal of the 1800’s.

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


Raven’s Claw! Revelations…

Strange revelations have been coming to me. Many messages revealing the nature of some of the odd occurrences that have plagued me for so many months. In my last blog post I had mentioned the prayers of those who would actually do harm, and perhaps I was a bit caustic regarding this, however it has come to my attention that I really wasn’t far off the mark. Whenever you send out thoughts to the Universe, whether good or bad and especially if those thoughts or prayers are compounded by many people focusing on the goal, there is a tendency to create an energy force that has a life of it’s own. Directed by the will of the group, but without restraints, these thought-forms can run amok and wreak havoc on the unsuspecting and even those who are more adept. Sometimes the adept are also blinded to these egrigores. While I can’t say that I was completely blind to this, I can say that I was reticent to do anything about it. Now after many months the situation has been rectified, The energy forms sent to the Void and the blinders taken off. All of this was done in accord with Divine will. Wards are set and defenses made. Understand that this was addressed to the energies being sent to me personally only. Those other though forms are still active, and since they are allowed access to the places they were sent I have little desire to fix that situation.., I remain at peace.

I have been on hiatus from private in-person readings since late January and this is likely to continue for the time being until I can work out a convenient venue in which to do my work. I am still however available for phone readings most evenings after 7:30 PM eastern.




The times for the Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village have been confirmed. The Walks will commence in June and will run on Thursday evenings in June and July starting at 8PM at the Cold Spring Brewery. In August they will be Thursdays and Saturdays at 8PM.

10:00a-4:30p Historic Cold Spring Village

Fascinated by the supernatural? Not sure what the odd noise is at night? Visit Historic Cold Spring Village for ‘Paranormal Pursuits’: Spiritualism in the 1800s!  In addition to experiencing the Village’s 27 restored, historic buildings dating from 1691-1912, guests can enjoy various workshops, demonstrations and tours which highlight the study of spiritualism and the paranormal of the 1800’s.

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


Raven’s Claw! Weird winter, Spirits abound!

This winter season has not been the best. Spring-like warmth in February led to a cold an damp March. There has been illness and Spiritual mayhem. Springtime cannot come quickly enough!

On another note; there have been certain falsehoods perpetrated in the local media for the last six months which have led to dark energies being unleashed by the unsuspecting. I have worked diligently to undue these, and in fact turn back those energies. Some of it has worked, some not, but I will no longer tolerate these evil manifestations from certain “people of the book”.  Do not dare to pray for me for I may have to pray for you and be warned that will not  go well! I will continue my work as I have for many years, but quietly and in Secret!

I have been on hiatus from private in-person readings since late January and this is likely to continue for the time being until I can work out a convenient venue in which to do my work. I am still however available for phone readings most evenings after 7:30 PM eastern.




The times for the Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village have been confirmed. The Walks will commence in June and will run on Thursday evenings in June and July starting at 8PM at the Cold Spring Brewery. In August they will be Thursdays and Saturdays at 8PM.


JULY 7 & 8th, 2018

This is a great event and I will once again be participating…hope to see you all there!

10:00a-4:30p Historic Cold Spring Village

Fascinated by the supernatural? Not sure what the odd noise is at night? Visit Historic Cold Spring Village for ‘Paranormal Pursuits’: Spiritualism in the 1800s!  In addition to experiencing the Village’s 27 restored, historic buildings dating from 1691-1912, guests can enjoy various workshops, demonstrations and tours which highlight the study of spiritualism and the paranormal of the 1800’s.

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


Raven’s Claw! Egregore’s a plenty!

oEgregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a “thoughtform” or “collective group mind”, an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.

I have written previously about the many and divers egregores that have been created over the past few years. Those egregores were mainly ones that were created on a massive scale and were affecting the world at large and the US specifically. Now I would like ot consider and egregore that has been created locally on the Jersey Cape.

I was contacted recently by a concerned person about a Spirit manifestation that was happening in a local house of worship. The manifestation was/is causing a feeling of heaviness and a pervasive feeling of doom and gloom. After consultations with my guides and attempting to contact the Spirit, I realized that it was none other than an egregore that has fed on the prayers and “well meaning” attention given it by the local populous. The beginning  formation  of the Spiritual presence happened long ago, and it has since fed of the energy of those who would do good, and indeed strengthened by those who wish harm. The presence cannot be removed or lessened as it has been given the right of access. In this case not much can be done until the doorway to the Spirit is closed.

Be careful at that which you Pray. Have care to which Spirits you evoke.  Be careful what you wish for as you may in truth receive it.


I’m working on another venue in which to do private readings and consultations in the Cape May area…Hopefully I’ll have somje news soon.


The times for the Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village have been confirmed. The Walks will commence in June and will run on Thursday evenings in June and July starting at 8PM at the Cold Spring Brewery. In August they will be Thursdays and Saturdays at 8PM.


JULY 7 & 8th, 2018

This is a great event and I will once again be participating…hope to see you all there!

10:00a-4:30p Historic Cold Spring Village

Fascinated by the supernatural? Not sure what the odd noise is at night? Visit Historic Cold Spring Village for ‘Paranormal Pursuits’: Spiritualism in the 1800s!  In addition to experiencing the Village’s 27 restored, historic buildings dating from 1691-1912, guests can enjoy various workshops, demonstrations and tours which highlight the study of spiritualism and the paranormal of the 1800’s.

I’m available as always most evenings for :


All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)




Raven’s Claw! Things relevant!


The times for the Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village have been confirmed. The Walks will commence in June and will run on Thursday evenings in June and July starting at 8PM at the Cold Spring Brewery. In August they will be Thursdays and Saturdays at 8PM.

Due to unforeseen circumstance I will not be doing readings at the Cold Spring Brewery, I am however working on another venue in the lower Cape May County area. I will still be doing readings on Wednesdays at ST. Babs Church.

There has been a bit more controversy regarding last years Halloween even at St. Babs. and I am once again mentioned in an article in the Cape May County Herald. At this point I don’t feel it necessary to comment further on how I feel about all of this as it’s been beaten to death. There is however a difference between a Seance and a Spiritualist service/Spirit channeling event. I am at odds with the reporter on this an will remain so. I have given up any hope that the people who reside on the western side of the Upper Cape will have any interest whatsoever in understanding Spiritualism, and all that it entails. I have helped many people by providing closure with their departed loved ones and I will continue to do so, with or without their understanding.


JULY 7 & 8th, 2018

This is a great event and I will once again be participating…hope to see you all there!

10:00a-4:30p Historic Cold Spring Village

Fascinated by the supernatural? Not sure what the odd noise is at night? Visit Historic Cold Spring Village for ‘Paranormal Pursuits’: Spiritualism in the 1800s!  In addition to experiencing the Village’s 27 restored, historic buildings dating from 1691-1912, guests can enjoy various workshops, demonstrations and tours which highlight the study of spiritualism and the paranormal of the 1800’s.


I’m available as always most evenings for :


All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)



Raven’s Claw! Updates and upcoming!

Since I haven’t done a blog post in a while, I thought I’d do one with some updates for the coming season.

Due to the harsh and brutal weather lately I haven’t been able to get to St. Babs on Wednesdays. I’ll be there on a limited basis, and by reservation only  as long as the weather holds out. You can e-mail me to make an appointment. I will also be available soon  for one on one readings at the Cold Spring Brewery on Fridays, once again by appointment only. I’ll let you know when I start there.

The Highly successful Ghost Walks at Historic Cold Spring Village, will resume in June this year (One Month earlier!)  and  will start at the Cold Spring Brewery at 8PM on Saturdays! I look forward to seeing everyone there.


10:00a-4:30pHistoric Cold Spring Village

Fascinated by the supernatural? Not sure what the odd noise is at night? Visit Historic Cold Spring Village for ‘Paranormal Pursuits’: Spiritualism in the 1800s!  In addition to experiencing the Village’s 27 restored, historic buildings dating from 1691-1912, guests can enjoy various workshops, demonstrations and tours which highlight the study of spiritualism and the paranormal of the 1800’s.

I will also be doing a few other events at Cold Spring Village in the next fall…details are being worked out now!

I’m available as always most evenings for :


All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)


Raven’s Claw! Winter here, longing for Spring…

Winter has hit Cape May county with a vengeance. Already we have had two snowfalls, neither of which were significant, but the cold weather has been brutal for the last few days. I’m already longing for Springtime, but I know that real winter has not even begun.

This Mercury retrograde has been particularly bad. Many of my clients have had a difficult time. Miscommunications have  been the cause of so many problems for people. The best course of action in dealing with this is to slow down. Take time to examine communication before you reply, especially on social media. Listen to your heart not your head. That monkey mind will get you every time!

I recently joined the International Spiritualist Federation This is an organization dedicated to bringing Spiritualist together from around the world.

There will be a few events upcoming in Spring which I will be promoting shortly. I’m homing to do some more events  at Historic Cold Spring Village and I will announce that when/if it becomes feasible. I will certainly be offering Ghost Walks once again there throughout the 2018 season!

I’m available as always most evenings for :


All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)





Raven’s Claw! Here we go again!

It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog. I needed to decompress after the extremely busy Halloween season, giving me the time to gather my thoughts. We did our annual Halloween display that was received well, but with less trick or treaters than in past years. It was a lot of fun, but is a great deal of work for just the one night.


The controversy over the Halloween event at St. Babs has reared it’s ugly head once again. The Cape May County Herald ran an article last week that reopened the issues that were largely solved in late September. The article is rife with misquotes and in my opinion was not researched very well.   Once again, via the comments on the article on facebook in the eyes of some in the local area, I am again the reason for the “darkness” that they falsely perceive at the Church. I’m not going to defend myself anymore…it’s frankly exhausting.



Private in-person readings are conducted on Wednesdays  at

St. Bab’s Foundation Church. 

321 N Delsea dr.

Goshen, NJ

Click here to Make an appointment at ST. Babs!

Gift Certificates are avaliable!!!

Private readings are $75 per session.Group readings  are also available. Party of 6 $200 (average 20 minutes session pp), party of 8 $250. Please contact me for information on Parties of more than 8 people. Prices subject to change for traveling distance, length of session and Holidays. Discounts still available for repeat clients.

For information and to book a private reading with R. Scott Please call:

 609-849-8405 or Email : ravn@raven-star.org

As the Hallowe’en season comes to a close, I will expand my phone reading hours. You can reach me via phone by clicking the call buttin and setting up an account:


I’m also available  for phone readings:

All for now,

Machts gut un sei gesund!

R. Scott Bitting (Ravn)
